Eclipse Records

Listen to the skies, Watch the dark, fear the unknown
Dont trust anyone.

Eclipse Records is a Horror and Cryptid Themed Art based (Drawing and Literature) RP Group and uses Call of Cthulu 7th Edition as the investigation system. It focuses on the world where the paranormal and esoteric cases can occur at anytime, a secret that everyone knows yet they do not share. your characters are the Investigators assigned task by the Eclipse Institute to investigate "strange" cases.


About the institute

located in Tennesse, USA. The Eclipse Institute is a institution dedicating to researching the esoteric and paranormal incidents as well as to maintain order from threats of the unknown. They are academic researchers dedicated to revealing knowledge nonetheless.The Institute would receive calls, reports or written statements before undergoing a case and often times deduct artefacts linked to the an entity or a melevolent force. and often times, The institute will take up cases that police department couldn't solve majorly due to the paranormal 'nature' of some cases.While most research, archiving and mundane office things can be done in the institute, paranormal investigators usually meets at a small diner, pizzerias or any places to discuss their plan of action, or sometimes in their designated office room.Eclipse Institute have few other sister Institute located in United Kingdom, Brazil, Poland, Indonesia and China


Institute departments

AdministrationsIt's a department that manages all aspects of the Institute's operations, including human resources, accounting, scheduling, and financial management in addition to paranormal research. It prioritizes funding for its library, Cases and Research as well as investigations.

ArchivesThe archives storage contains cases, videos and written statements from the past 50 years and also unsolved cases and strange disappearances that dated back 100 years ago, while unsolved it contains letters and last known locations all around from the US.

Artefact StorageHEED THAT ARTEFACT STORAGE CAN BE A DANGEROUS PLACE TO VISIT. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Located in the basement, The artefact storage is a almost 2 story tall containing artefacts that deemed to be the work of esoteric and supernatural. some artefacts contains entity or a curse. they are sealed within a purified glass boxes.

Officeswell, a typical office with files, paperwork computers and what not. they have different rooms for each departments of it's own. nothing out of the ordinary except for what the employee's bring to their table

LibraryAn Ordinary Library where most books are stored. it contains books and some lounge area. but not all of the books related to the paranormal and esoteric is in the library and some books are extremely limited or lost to the world.



There are 3 types of category of entity elements, the common category is often refered as Hollows Category. Theres also Fear Category by Thomas R. H. Archerstone and Visions Category by Father Damian.
Elements are used to categorize a strange activity or an entity and preform rituals. although, the elements are actually not a concrete categorization

Hollows Category

VOIDThe element of the Unknown itself the void spins around the concept of what you dont know or incomprehensible. The Most common concept of The Void is "Darkness", "The Deep" and "Madness". Manifestations of this element sometimes can be creatures hidden in the dark or in the deep, shadow figures & monsters as well as beings that spread out madness.Void Rituals are associated darkness, perception of Reality, as well as communication with the Other Side and its Entities. The most common requirement for conjuring Void rituals is to focus on the symbols or your surroundings.

ETHOSEthos is the element of spirit it focuses on Energy, Omen, as well as Souls. Not to be confused with "Death", Spirit tangles with folklore like creatures and Ethos entity can be emerged or created by local rumors or folklores, estentially giving it a soul or manifesting it. Most manifestations from Ethos are Ghosts, malevolent Faesthis ritual are most likely summoning a deceased one or malevolent faes, in some cases even tampering with fates. most of uses specific offerings and always associated with the transformation of natural elements, such as water, fire, temperature, wind, lightning as it deals with more natural forces.

BLOODBlood or Flesh is the element that embodied extreme emotions such as pain, obsession, passion, love, hunger, and hate. Manifests as corpses, blood, bones, flesh-related industry. Often manifests as strange body anatomy, bodies being twisted, molded, butchered and reasembeledBlood rituals are always associated with physical and aggressive changes, with disgusting and brutal results. Some requirements for conjuring Blood rituals emphasize the idea of feeling pain, being self-mutilation, bloodshed, and use of human or animal organs.

ECHOAlso known as Mirror. Echo are estentially the reflection of the world. This element has less creature like entity but more common on places or dimension that similar to reality. These places are refered as Liminal Spaces, where everything may look real but most of them are always looping and endless. known entities from this element are usually mimicking voices, shadows or even people. Echo entities are the only entities that can manipulate analogs or digital as long as there are a face or a voice coming through the electronic decives.Echo doesnt have much known rituals but envoking a Echo ritual requires a physical object such as mirrors, an empty room that can bounce an echo or electronic devices. This ritual will take the caster or target to "Liminal Spaces" or made another "person" based on caster's target.

DREAMDream element is a pathway to the mindscape world. as it suggest, the element of dream is revolves around a person's mind/psyche. The entities of dream doesn't exist in the real world but it can still harm a person and even cause death. This element can be used to alter a reality of a person as well as past their past.The rituals of Dreams are always associated with the perception of Reality, Mind and the Dream World manipulation, in addition to any means of communication with a person within the mindscape and its Entities. An example of a ritual that allows the user to grant an effect is the Memory altering ritual, causing their target to become unable to recall certain moments of their life

Fear Category

Recorded by Thomas R. H. Archerstone. Archerstone categorize that there are entities and manifestations outside Void, Ethos, Blood, Echos and Dream. while Archerstone had many lists of encounters with entities. Thomas discovered that entity can be created or emerged by extreme fears/Phobias and Manias, and one of his encounters is mistress of the decay and diseased, Hollie Martens.
Fear category has catalysts, person or multiple people who manifested them. Their rituals are

Visions Category

Father Demian category are entities and manifestations of the 4 horsemen such as Conquest, War, Famine and Death along with other religious related manifestations. Father Damian accounts were mostly dealt with cults and demonology incidents. However, there are cases where there are entities disguising themselves as a benevolent entity that would save them.███ ███████ ████████ ███ ████████ ██ ███████ ██████ ████ ███ █████ ███████ ██████████████ ███ █████████ ████ ██████ ██ ███████ █████████ ███ ███████Visions category was incomplete due to the original journal being lost and burned.