Eclipse Records

Listen to the skies, Watch the dark, fear the unknown
Dont trust anyone.

Eclipse Records is a Horror and Cryptid Themed Art based (Drawing and Literature) RP Group and uses Call of Cthulu 7th Edition as the investigation system. It focuses on the world where the paranormal and esoteric cases can occur at anytime, a secret that everyone knows yet they do not share. your characters are the Investigators assigned task by the Eclipse Institute to investigate "strange" cases.


About the institute

located in Tennesse, USA. The Eclipse Institute is a institution dedicating to researching the esoteric and paranormal incidents as well as to maintain order from threats of the unknown. They are academic researchers dedicated to revealing knowledge nonetheless.The Institute would receive calls, reports or written statements before undergoing a case and often times deduct artefacts linked to the an entity or a melevolent force. and often times, The institute will take up cases that police department couldn't solve majorly due to the paranormal 'nature' of some cases.While most research, archiving and mundane office things can be done in the institute, paranormal investigators usually meets at a small diner, pizzerias or any places to discuss their plan of action, or sometimes in their designated office room.Eclipse Institute have few other sister Institute located in United Kingdom, Brazil, Poland, Indonesia and China


Institute departments

AdministrationsIt's a department that manages all aspects of the Institute's operations, including human resources, accounting, scheduling, and financial management in addition to paranormal research. It prioritizes funding for its library, Cases and Research as well as investigations.

ArchivesThe archives storage contains cases, videos and written statements from the past 50 years and also unsolved cases and strange disappearances that dated back 100 years ago, while unsolved it contains letters and last known locations all around from the US.

Artefact StorageHEED THAT ARTEFACT STORAGE CAN BE A DANGEROUS PLACE TO VISIT. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. Located in the basement, The artefact storage is a almost 2 story tall containing artefacts that deemed to be the work of esoteric and supernatural. some artefacts contains entity or a curse. they are sealed within a purified glass boxes.

Officeswell, a typical office with files, paperwork computers and what not. they have different rooms for each departments of it's own. nothing out of the ordinary except for what the employee's bring to their table

LibraryAn Ordinary Library where most books are stored. it contains books and some lounge area. but not all of the books related to the paranormal and esoteric is in the library and some books are extremely limited or lost to the world.



There are 3 types of category of entity elements, the common category is often refered as Hollows Category. Theres also Fear Category by Thomas R. H. Archerstone and Visions Category by Father Damian.
Elements are used to categorize a strange activity or an entity and preform rituals. although, the elements are actually not a concrete categorization

Hollows Category

VOIDThe element of the Unknown itself the void spins around the concept of what you dont know or incomprehensible. The Most common concept of The Void is "Darkness", "The Deep" and "Madness". Manifestations of this element sometimes can be creatures hidden in the dark or in the deep, shadow figures & monsters as well as beings that spread out madness.Void Rituals are associated darkness, perception of Reality, as well as communication with the Other Side and its Entities. The most common requirement for conjuring Void rituals is to focus on the symbols or your surroundings.

ETHOSEthos is the element of spirit it focuses on Energy, Omen, as well as Souls. Not to be confused with "Death", Spirit tangles with folklore like creatures and Ethos entity can be emerged or created by local rumors or folklores, estentially giving it a soul or manifesting it. Most manifestations from Ethos are Ghosts, malevolent Faesthis ritual are most likely summoning a deceased one or malevolent faes, in some cases even tampering with fates. most of uses specific offerings and always associated with the transformation of natural elements, such as water, fire, temperature, wind, lightning as it deals with more natural forces.

BLOODBlood or Flesh is the element that embodied extreme emotions such as pain, obsession, passion, love, hunger, and hate. Manifests as corpses, blood, bones, flesh-related industry. Often manifests as strange body anatomy, bodies being twisted, molded, butchered and reasembeledBlood rituals are always associated with physical and aggressive changes, with disgusting and brutal results. Some requirements for conjuring Blood rituals emphasize the idea of feeling pain, being self-mutilation, bloodshed, and use of human or animal organs.

ECHOAlso known as Mirror. Echo are estentially the reflection of the world. This element has less creature like entity but more common on places or dimension that similar to reality. These places are refered as Liminal Spaces, where everything may look real but most of them are always looping and endless. known entities from this element are usually mimicking voices, shadows or even people. Echo entities are the only entities that can manipulate analogs or digital as long as there are a face or a voice coming through the electronic decives.Echo doesnt have much known rituals but envoking a Echo ritual requires a physical object such as mirrors, an empty room that can bounce an echo or electronic devices. This ritual will take the caster or target to "Liminal Spaces" or made another "person" based on caster's target.

DREAMDream element is a pathway to the mindscape world. as it suggest, the element of dream is revolves around a person's mind/psyche. The entities of dream doesn't exist in the real world but it can still harm a person and even cause death. This element can be used to alter a reality of a person as well as past their past.The rituals of Dreams are always associated with the perception of Reality, Mind and the Dream World manipulation, in addition to any means of communication with a person within the mindscape and its Entities. An example of a ritual that allows the user to grant an effect is the Memory altering ritual, causing their target to become unable to recall certain moments of their life

Fear Category

Recorded by Thomas R. H. Archerstone. Archerstone categorize that there are entities and manifestations outside Void, Ethos, Blood, Echos and Dream. while Archerstone had many lists of encounters with entities. Thomas discovered that entity can be created or emerged by extreme fears/Phobias and Manias, and one of his encounters is mistress of the decay and diseased, Hollie Martens.
Fear category has catalysts, person or multiple people who manifested them. Their rituals are

Visions Category

Father Demian category are entities and manifestations of the 4 horsemen such as Conquest, War, Famine and Death along with other religious related manifestations. Father Damian accounts were mostly dealt with cults and demonology incidents. However, there are cases where there are entities disguising themselves as a benevolent entity that would save them.███ ███████ ████████ ███ ████████ ██ ███████ ██████ ████ ███ █████ ███████ ██████████████ ███ █████████ ████ ██████ ██ ███████ █████████ ███ ███████Visions category was incomplete due to the original journal being lost and burned.




Rituals are occult abilities used by people with occult knowledge. The rituals have several different uses, but in general they are used to bring an advantage to the user, whether in combat or even in everyday life. All rituals have characteristics by invoking an element, and ingredients that are necessary to perform certain rituals, such as human and animal ashes, technological objects, among others.True rituals are preformed to bring a god-like entity to reality by changing the world to be closer to the essence of the Entity. if the ritual succeeds, the entire world will be reshaped in a way that reflects the Entity. example of this rituals are summoning a powerful Blood entity where cult people were thrown into meat pit and grew larger as it consumes.
(tldr : rituals that most cultist used)
however, Invoking "normal" rituals are mostly giving an advantage to a person or effecting a target. example of normal rituals are The Paralysis ritual; where if preformed correctly, the user can paralyze any target for some time. invoking smaller rituals can sometimes resulted in having marks similar to tattoos.
In game, Rituals costs may vary but most commonly Magic Points or Sanity points. some of them also required spesific tools or ingredients to follow.


An artefact is an item with paranormal properties and is generally associated with a specific Entity. Some artefacts malevolent giving people who own them experiences that range from unsettling to horrifying to deadly due to some artefacts are used to trap an entity but some of the artefacts doesn't hold an entity but an element it self.
The artefacts are scattered in the world, some of them are sold through bids and some of them let itself passed from victim to victim. But Institutes like Eclipse manage to collect artefacts from their cases and some of them were sent in.
*more will be added, constantly updating

Hunter's BowA bow that whoever holds it or if it's around people effected them and start a ritual called "The Hunting Game"BloodMaterial for a ritual
mammoth skinA well preserved Mammoth Skin, used for Echo rituals. the affected owner/holder will experience unrecognizable faceEchomaterial for a ritual
decorated syringeA plague-infected scalpel that cannot be disinfected. Was an object forged by Hollie Martens, The pleague lady.Visions : PestilenceUsed to give target 1d6 corrosion damage
star chess pieceA galaxy motif chess piece. the loser of the chess game has lost their mind and keep screaming strange namesDreammaterial for a ritual
Broken looking glasstreat this like a cartoonish way of a "crystal ball". anything you see on the looking glass are the things that lurk in the shadowsVoid+30% on spot hidden
Keychain Rabit's Footan actual foot of a rabit. one hell of a luck charm, or death charm.N/Ayou own it, will guarantee luck and advantage. if you lose it, you will experience bad luck and disadvantage
The Diea d20 dice that genuinely effects your luckN/ARoll higher and you will receive good luck, roll lower and you will get bad luck



Language and rating
Main Language will be English, although speaking to admin can use indonesian but please do keep in mind its an international rp group!
With the surrounding horror theme and possible death within Eclipse Records. The rating is 18+

the platform used for Eclipse Records are FB, Discord and Roll20. Discord will be the main use of RP. FB will be used for submissions and Announcements. Roll20 is only used for Investigation RP, but Investigation RP can also be held in discord channels

The Group pacing is quite slow. With Main Event happening about every 2-3 months with Side Event or Sub-Story RP happening in the middle where you can HC/RP and participate in Investigations.
(and mostly because i'm currently a solo admin...)


  • Main Event is expected for all members to join. Main Event sometimes will have investigation RP but not always. The submission for Main Event can be Drawing or Literature but if you already participated in RP or Investigation sessions, Drawing and Literature is optional!

  • Side Event is usually something seasonal or something related to the Institute where you can RP, HC, Submit drawing or literature, there will be little to no investigation RP within Side event and It is Optional to join

  • Sub-Story Event is an Optional to join Investigation RP and a story related to the past (example; exploring the abandoned salt lake lab in 2002) where you can play as another character that isnt from the institute. "sub story PC" require a certain material from shop, but no material from shop required for submitting an NPC.


Game Mechanics

Investigations/skillsEclipse Records uses Call of Cthulu (7e) system. You play as a character or Investigators and travel to areas that had strange cases in the past. every roll made must be according to the action and by using 7th Edition the roll must be lower than the designated number, More will be explained during gameplay tutorial session, The carrd will explain it in the most brief way.

Example on Investigation :GM: There are two rooms in the upstairs, one of them is a master bedroom with a cabinet desk and the other one is a room with scattered toddler toys
Ramon: /my character/ will investigate master bedroom and open the cabinet
GM: its locked. if you want to pick a lock, roll me a locksmith check
Ramon: d100<40 (result : 32). Normal Succsses! (note : Ramon's Locksmith skill is 40)
GM: Ok. Now, inside the desk you find two things of interest: a sealed envelope marked “Last Will and Testament” and a small ledger which is titled “Reports of Blue Bird asylum.” Do you want to look at them now?


  • Combat turn will be using Dex. so example; Pomme has Dex 40, Richarlyson has Dex 43, and the code monster has Dex 60. so the turn would be; code Monster > Richarlyson > Pomme

  • Investigators can choose 1 action during their turn. Attack (using available firearms or fighting skills), Fighting manuevers, Run, Other options and Rituals. Think it like Undertale or Deltarune mechanics

  • Fighting Manuevers uses "Fighting/Brawl" skill and treated as a way to disarm an opponent, seize or hold the opponent and Knock an opponent to the floor.

  • for damage, you must first roll chosen action to determine the successes. then the damage based on your weapon + your damage Bonus, Example; Luis uses Firearms and successfully shoot the code entity using rifle (2d6+4+ Damage Bonus)

example of using firearms


  • When encounters the horrors of the Unknown or comes across something mundane yet horrific (such as stumbling across a friend’s mutilated corpse), make a D100<(Sanity roll). result must be below PCs CURRENT sanity

  • If fail, make a 1d5 to 1d8 roll to determine how many character lose their sanity points (dices depends on the scene)

  • If 5 or more points are lost, ask the investigator to make an Intelligence (INT) roll for the character to fully comprehend the horrors. If the character gets a roll below their INT, they become temporarily insane for 1D10 hours. The GM will give the Investigator Delusion/Hallucinations, Phobias, Mania, something traumatic or disturbing from their backstory.

example of sanity loss

example of how losing more than 5 sanity will get phobia/mania/or something from the backstory

Psychic Showdown

Some entity are intellegent enough to read your fears and insecurities. Suggesting and effecting your character's mind well being. This psychic showdown is a high-stakes confrontation, and your character's fate hangs in the balance.your character must roll an extreme success or lower than against the entity's POW/LUCK for 3-5 rounds of RP. Losing more than 2-3 rounds will lost 1d20 HP or 2d20 SAN lost.This mechanic adds a rare, intense twist to the game. Instead of fighting with weapons, it's all about a mental showdown. The result is unpredictable, and messing up can have serious consequences, reminding us just how dangerous it is to tangle with otherworldly beings in this game world.


  • Casting rituals can take Time/Rounds, Sanity and MP depending on what rituals you're doing. it also requires certain places and ingredients.

  • Some rituals are available to study within the institute library. studying them does not cost sanity. but it does take time and weeks even to learn them (2d6 Weeks) *Ask GM if you want to study a ritual.

  • Other methods of learning Rituals is through another person (1d8 days) or through an entity (2d6 sanity loss)

  • For now only Thaumaturgist branch can preform rituals



Art or Literature submissions are submitted in FB Group to earn CryptidCurrency. CryptidCurrency are used for buying ingredients or materials from the shop and upgrading skills (not to be confused with branch skills*) or buy skills. 1% = 100CC(Note : Tigh to Knee art counts as halfbody, meanwhile Knee to Calf counts as fullbody)Submission Format :
#EclipseDaily_ (Name) _ Art
#EclipseDaily_ (Name) _Lit

Monthly Limit : 500CC

Black and white

Bust upHalfbodyFullbody
Sketch10 CC15 CC20 CC
Lineart20 CC25 CC30 CC
* +Shade** + 5CC  

* Includes Screentone or BW and non BW shade
** Applies to all length category


Bust upHalfbodyFullbody
Flat color30 CC35 CC40 CC
Cellshade40 CC45 CC55 CC
Complex55 CC65 CC75 CC


Bust upHalfbodyFullbody
Sketchy50 CC55 CC60 CC
Neat60 CC70 CC80 CC


None/White+ N/A 
Solid/Gradient+ 5 CC 
Pattern+ 10 CC 
Simple+ 15 CC 
Mid Complex+ 20 CC 
Complex+ 30 CC 


Storyboard/animatic10 CC/Frame 
Frame by Frame15 CC/Frame 
Motion Graphic10 CC/Seconds 


ChibiTraced memeCharacterComic
1/2 type (rounded to highest)20 CC(x) Characters in canvas (only registered NPCs or PCsType/Panel


2 CC/ Words


Character info

Characters within the Eclipse Records can be Investigators(PCs) or Institute Staff and Employees(NPCs). Player characters should not have a criminal records when applying or at least have served their sentence.There are 3 Investigators branch available Specialist, Archivist, and Thaumaturgist.
Thaumaturgist branch can have a religious background and performing rituals under a certain matter (cleansing/healing) or WAS in a cult, Thaumaturgist should have at least done 1 or 2 ritual, the rituals should have given them a mark similar to a tattoo. Archivist backgrounds are varied from education, Medical to Parapsychology. While Specialist can have a background within the military, government or police who was assigned outside the bureau mainstream to write reports and observate.
The age group of Eclipse Records are 23 ~ 70 years old, with the exception of Intern NPC can be around 19~22. your character should have a US citizenship (immigrant or born US) and have an education at least a Diploma. There are no specific clothing but it is recommended that your character use Smart Casual clothing.Noted that character's eye color should not be bright or neon colors. when it comes to red, purple and yellow eyes please keep it darker or almost dark grey-ish or more natural such as blues, greens, hazel, amber, etc.
some certain eye colors can mean that they're not human. (see color charts)


Character Departments

The Investigators have their own branches and speciality. There are three branches for Investigators and each have their own starter branch skills. They can unlock more branch skills through participation of Substory and Main event and obtaining CryptidCurrency/CC to buy branch skills.By default, Investigators have a total of 6 skill slot, 1 weapon slot to carry, and 2 ritual slot. But each branch has their own speciality such as Specialist can carry up to 3 weapon slot, Archivist have 8 skill slot and Thaumaturgists have a total of 4 ritual slots


Specialist investigators branch handles mostly combat. related to the wearer's endurance and strength skills. They are usually physically capable individuals who can engage in combat when necessary. However, they must balance their combat abilities with a deep awareness of the dangers that lurk in the supernatural and work in cooperation with other branches to survive and uncover the mysteries of the Unknown.

  • Recommended : Firearms(any) , Fighting(any) , Dodge, Climb, Throw, Jump

  • Branch Bonus : can carry up to 3 weapon slot

  • Branch Bonus starters : get 1 handgun (1D6 Damage, 6 bullets)

Branch Starter Skills (Choose 1) :

  • Reflexes: Dodge with advantage

  • Trained: Gain +1 damage bonus


Archivists are the academic researchers of the institute. Their position are actually researchers that also responsible for keeping the archives. They serve as the primary agents for uncovering and grappling with the dark and incomprehensible forces at play. Their knowledge and determination are both their greatest assets and their greatest vulnerabilities in the face of horrors.

  • recommended: Navigate, Computer Use, History, Library Use, Track, Language, Medicine, Any other abilities

  • Branch Bonus : 8 skill slot

  • Branch Bonus starters : choose 2 starters skills

Branch Starter Skills (Choose 2) :

  • Nuh Uh!: +5% on Fast talk

  • Archive Expert: chance to get Advantage in Library use. (1d2, 1 to get advantage)

  • Knowledgeable : Advantage on 1 skill roll, use once per day (choose 1 : Medicine, Natural world, Psychology, Law, History, Electronics)


Thaumaturgist are individuals who possess specialized knowledge of the occult, mysticism, and the supernatural. They often have expertise in deciphering ancient texts, performing rituals, and understanding the esoteric elements. They bring specialized knowledge, mystical skills, and the ability to interact with the occult world, making them valuable assets in unraveling the mysteries of the unknown and dealing with the horrors that lurk within it.

  • Reccomended : Occult, Psychoanalysis, Medicine, Charm, Natural World, Persuade

  • Branch Bonus : 4 Ritual slot

  • Branch bonus starters : choose 1 any starter ritual

Branch Starter Skills (Choose 1) :

  • Camouflage Occultism: the user's skin is covered by a thin illusory layer, leaving all the tattoos on his body hidden. (5 hours/day)

  • Macabre Identification: It is possible to determine whether an object is cursed or not just by holding it, without the need for testing or ritual.

Other roles within the institute are available as NPCs (Staff, Administrations, Janitors, etc)

  • Administrations

  • Accountants

  • Assistants/Interns

  • Librarians

  • Janitors


Character Creation Guide

For stats, you have a total of 460 points to distribute each stat.
or (optional) for quick fire method is 80, 70, 60, 60, 50, 50, 50, and 40.
Maximum stat points : 90 (cannot go over until admin says so)STR : Raw strength of your character
CON : Your character's wellbeing or healthiness
INT : How smart is your character
APP : how good looking is your character
DEX : Represents your character’s level of grace and finesse
SIZ : characteristic represents your character’s overall size
EDU : how educated is your character
POW : the strength of your character’s willpower.
HP : (CON+SIZ)/5
MP : 0 (for thaumaturgist : POW/5)
SAN : (Equal to POW)
Luck : (2d6+6)*5

These are the SIZ chart for reference. doesn't have to be an exact apple to apple

  • The characters must have US citizenship

  • Ages must be 23 to 70, unless if you're applying for intern NPC which is 19~22

  • The characters must have at least a paranormal or strange experience, doesn't have to be traumatic. just seen what you shouldn't seen


Investigator and NPC Appsheet - Google Drive

Name :
Gender/Pronouns :
Age :
Birthdate : (as of 2026)
Height :
Ethnicity :
Branch : (Specialist/Archivist/Thaumaturgist)
Stats :
00 STR / 00 CON / 00 INT / 00 APP
00 DEX / 00 SIZ / 00 EDU / 00 POW
00 HP / 00 MP (For Thaumaturgist MP= POW/5)
00 SAN / 00 LUCK
Branch Skills : (from starters, choose 1, Archivist choose 2. Refered in #branch in character departments page)
Rituals : (only for thaumaturgist for now/starters, choose 1 ritual)
Weapons : (Only for Specialist for now/starters)
Personality :
(min.3 POS / min.3 NEG)
Likes/Dislikes :
(min.3 LIKES / min.3 DISLIKES)
Backstory :
Max 3-4 Paragraphs
Trivia :

Optional for enrollment

These are optional for enrollment but a must after acceptence.DMG Bonus : (STR+SIZ=CHART)

STR+SIZDamage BonusBuild
2 - 64-2-2
65 - 84-1-1
85 - 124None0
125 - 164+1d41
165 - 204+1d62
205 - 284+2d63
285 - 364+3d64
365 - 444+4d65
445 - 524+5d66

Movement :
STR + DEX < SIZ = 7
STR + DEX = SIZ = 8
STR + DEX > SIZ = 9
The next page is to distribute points for the skills
For Occupational skills, depending on your investigator branch. distrubute the points according to your character's occupation skills
- Armed Specialist = (STR x 2) + (DEX x 2)
- Thaumaturgist = (LUCK x 2) + (POW x 2)
- Archivist = (INT x 2) + (EDU x 2)
For your character's personal interest, which related to the character's hobby and interests : Multiply INT by 2,5


Rules within Eclipse Records. Please comply with themAuthor Rules :

  • Please respect each other and Any form of hatespeech will not be tolerated. no hate towards any sexual orientation, gender, race, religion, etc. Do not harass or disrespect other members, especially over predjuice.

  • This group is 18+ for violence, death, sensitive contents and mostly horror themed related

  • We encourage everyone to tag any sensitive content (TW/CW) such as phobias, etc

  • Please do not post NSFW outside designated channels.

  • Do not bring any personal drama within the group. this is a RP group

  • Finally, lets all have fun

RP Rules

  • No Godmoding, No Meta Gaming, No Gary Stu, No Mary Stu

  • please Roleplay any sensitive content with consent of partner or party

  • Please use English as this is an international RP group

  • Please keep in mind that this is a heavy horror themed rp group. While character death is possible,

frequently asked questions


✧ What's the timezone for Eclipse Records?
GMT+7 Indonesian time
✧ I dont know how to play CoC? can i still join?
of course! there will be short tutorial session few weeks after the acceptence. we will help you :D
✧ I cannot draw, can i use AI?
ABSOLUTELY NOT! We forbid the use of AI art However, it is absolutely fine if you commission someone. the group allows literature submissions
✧ for the appearance of the character should it be really an OC? or is allowed to do a face claim of canon character?
Unfortunately, we do not allow the use of "face claims" of other people's unauthorized art or canon character art, this is mainly a drawing and literature based rp group. however, we encourage commissioning artists for the appsheet


✧ Is there any Application Check?
theres no appcheck, but there is consultations available for a limited amount of time and Questions are always welcomed!
✧ Can i use an existing OC?
you cant use OC from another active RP group. but you can use an existing OC thats not in any RP group or just in a AU :)
✧ Will you be accepting NPCs?
Yes! we are accepting NPCs but we priotize it more on PCs :)
✧Is piercings and tattoos alloweed? If yes how much is 'too much' for that?
yes they're allowed as long as its not a whole face or a whole arm or whole body!
✧can Investigators have unnatural hair color like pink, blue, white, etc? Or do they have to be in natural hair color?
ou can have unnatural hair color but eye color SHOULD NOT be a very bright white/yellow/red/purple. see Character info on Characters page.


✧ What year does currently Eclipse Records set in?
2026, real world with supernatural stuff
✧ Can i made my own supernatural phenomena?
Yes! we encourage everyone to be creative within Eclipse. you can write your own horrors babey
✧ Can my OC have a criminal past?
No, Eclipse Institute is quite serious with their employee background. unless they have served their sentences
✧ Can my NPCs Join a session?
for now, the answer is no as NPC stands for Non Playable Character. but there will be a set up where NPC can come to play to help along the PCs
✧ What does ritual markings look like and where do they start?
Ritual marking looked like tattoos but with symbols that usually started on the palm of the hand that and only small and few symbols will appear but it will eventually spread out to an entire arm or body depending on how many rituals preformed. think it like V from Devil May Cry 5
✧ My character has a police background, is there any NDA if they experienced supernatural encounters?
not common but there is Section 31. Section 31 refers to Section 31 of the Freedom of Information Act and is an exclusion for information regarding law enforcement, so details that could interfere with the prevention or detection a crime can't be given to the public. These are usually used for those cases that are paranormal in nature.
✧ Is it okay if my character is a specialist, but unknowing to them they did a ritual (?) To banish a supernatural in their backstory?
yes totally fine because specialist will get a ritual slot too! but for now or as starters, the ritual slot will only open until your character has progressed in investigations
✧I wanna ask if the character would have to do with some Religious activity during ritual
Or its something not related to certain religion or do we able to decide it by ourselves?

some rituals (or spells) are not religious. unless for purification and healing rituals and only those 2 rituals (for now) can tied to religious beliefs
✧is it alright to make the character a religious people like a Priest for Thaumaturgist
Sure thing!
✧ can entity have intelligence? like, can they talk manipulative?
yes. some of them possesses intelligence to influence the human mind!
✧could it also be okay if the phenomena involves Lovecraftian Deities / Creatures?
yes, you have the freedom to include Lovecraftians as part of your backstory


supernatural phenomena

there are a lot of phenomena happening since the beginning of time. only some were recorded or passed down like a local or urban legend and folklores, Things that are beyond the laws of nature and ordinary. In Eclipse Records, Members are able to submit their own supernatural phenomena* this list of Urban legends are considered real within Eclipse Records universe
*more will be added, constantly updating

✧ Christmas Murders
Not actually a murder, just a series of disappearance happening though out christmas. This has been happening across the country with multiple cases on the same day. the only evidence left behind were present boxes, no blood or signs of strugles. The box was wrapped with colors and pattern the same as victim's last worn clothes.
✧ Cabinet man
An arcade game that was popular turned sinister after the disappearance of the arcade owner. it became the most challenging game within the country inviting every person across by it's wonders and challange until in 1991 it claimed several victim including technicians. few children who played the game can no longer recognize anything and started screaming and started saying that the game talked to them. when the arcade cabinet was opened, it was revealed inside the cabinet were organs jumbled inside the machine as well as bones.
✧ Piper's Earth Pit and Hillfred sky mouth
Small town called Piper one day disappeared in 1983 and only leaving a giant hole across town. there are no sight of body or survivor and all the building have disappeared. a sole survivor claims that all the citizens mindlessly fall into a hole one by one and instead of filling it. it made the hole larger.
Same case goes for a town called Hillfred where a survivor claimed that there was a skull on the sky. the victim showed a proof by capturing the evidence with a polaroid camera, showing hillfred residents floating and a skull in the sky devouring the people of hillfred.
Both of these town are now deserted. some rumours speculated that their town was desimated due to failed sacrifice or failed ritual✧ 1992 Apoclypse ring
This event happened 1992 september 21st within the apalechian areas creating a ring that changed the scope of the earth. it's events has distorted time and space, every fear known to mankind takes form and many untold horrors. None died but they were changed and experienced death and pain over and over. the center of it lies an orb filling the room with nothing but fear and chaos. no one can enter nor leave the ring but outside world was able to view the terrors that took place within areas of appalechia. This event lasted for 2 days before everything were back to normal
✧ Passangers
within the traveling areas, there are known leeching passengers when. they were considered as ethos faes similar to legends. these passangers will take the lonely driver to the other side if the driver doesnt present them certain offerings. their fates are unknown but they never came back and some of the victim who survived "changed". The passengers will only appear if theres only 1 person in a car
✧ Forgotten Hills
a hill located in Ohio, those who goes for a little hike there experienced a time alteration and memory loss. some of them has been missing for days to weeks before returning and not remembering a single thing and how much time has passed.
✧ Winny's land incidents
3 Victims was found within Winny's Funland, they took a ride at a different attraction and time. it was noted that these victims were alone during the ride. The victim was found with their facial expressions inhumanely deformed and grew wider, it is also noted that their skin were melting.
Another claimed to be lost inside one of the funhouse mirror and claimed that they were attacked by their own deformed reflection